We exist To
equip & multiply
Leaders & Churches

If you are a Lead Pastor, Staff Member, potential Church Planter, or Church Leader - we are here for you. We want to help you develop your leadership and multiply your ministry.



With this initiative our goal is to equip churches to plant churches and campuses especially within the major cities of the Northeast United States.

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Lead Pastors

We want to be a place of connection, encouragement, coaching, and resourcing for Lead Pastors in the Western Pennsylvania region.

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team coaching

Our Allison Park Church staff is available to provide coaching for Executive Pastors, Production Teams, Worship, Youth, Kids, and other church staff.

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About The Network

The Allison Park Leadership Network exists to launch pastors, leaders, and churches into their calling and destiny. Over the past 26 years, Allison Park Church has been modeling what it is to be a disciple-making, apostolic, multisite, reproducing church. 

Our heart’s desire is to do everything in our power to add value to pastors, leaders, and churches who have the desire to do the same for others.


"It is the most amazing thing in the world to be a part of a movement that believes in you an equips you in the dreams that God has placed in your heart."

– Brenton Johnson, Vast Church NYC